· The signer must personally complete all of the information on the petition. (For example, the circulator cannot complete the zip code, city, or any other part of the petition for the signer.)
· The printed name and residence of the signer must be legible and must match the voter records. (If a signer has recently moved, have them complete a new voter registration card.)
· The signature of the signer must match the voter records. (The registrar may check certain aspects of the signature to assure that it has been signed by the registered voter).
· If a signer is not certain how they registered, they should include more information, rather than less. (For example, if the signer is not certain if he is registered as Bob Smith, Bob E. Smith or Bob Earl Smith, have him print and sign as Bob Earl Smith.)
· For signers that are registering to vote, for their signatures to be valid, the registration date (which is located next to the voter signature) must be within the range of dates on the petition that he/she signed. (Have them sign and date the registration card when they sign the petition!)
· Every part of the circulation declaration must be completed and signed by the circulator.
· Only one circulator for each petition.
Accuracy is important! We want each and every signature to count!
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